sick girl

but i also dont want to make a trouble to my frens if i feel sick at schools. therefore,i just pasrah by not come to schools today. i promise i will study harder at home.
actually i just come home from clinic tau. firstly of course la malas sangat nak pegi. just sakit kepale je kan..but my mom was so pushing me to go. yela,mak mane tak worried sebab anak die salu jek ngadu sakit pale everytime wake up in morning or kat tempat2 public yang packed sgt ngan manusia. pastu aku selalu gak rasa nak pitam or some peeps called it gelap mata. so,pegi la clinic malaysia kat senawang. well,this is first time i go there. before salu pegi kat klinic jasa, or madiha je. my mom said this clinic is own by a women. so its easier to talk to la.
first impression okla. the clinic was so homy and cosy. the receptionist also kind. then the doctor is so great. i can say,it is the best doctor i've ever met in senawang ni. before,others clinic was sucks ok. masuk je,and tell a bit your probs then here they come the lotsa pills they gave you without futher check up..gosh!.
but this doctor was so good. she check everything here and there to find out what wrong with me. at last,she said that most probably i have a sinus probs which im not suprises coz i knew it already. but after she know my late sis died from a colon canser,she get shocked and seriously told my mom to take me for a brain scan and futher check up about nose and ear cause i got a frequently headache. she was giving me a short noticed to be givin to the doctor she suggest at salam specialist hospitals in lavender height as soon as possible.
and i was like, "hah,teruk sangat ker penyakit saye ni?" so the doc said that we should take prevention before its really happen my dear. oh great!,i was dreaming kan? i just pinched my cheek with hope i wake up in reality.but gosh its was REAL lah moron!.
the doc was so careful saying a word to me to had a brain scan.nauzubillah,,jauhkan la aku dari sebarang penyakit. aku muda lagi,spm pon xlepas lagi.haish,,tapi aku yakin that im alrite.insyaallah.
so,conclusion is,i will still waitin to my father when we were goin to have the brain scan.
p/s:hope the doc nanti can scan my brain whether die dah berlumut ke ape since aku xboleh nak menghafal ape dah ni!!!!..haha,kiddin lo...nak sedapkan hati yang gundah gulana ni..apepon doakan kesihatan aku ye =(