blogger boy

heyy...pernah tengok xciter ni?...well,,,cite ni aku addicted gile skang ni...watak die sempoi..pelakon sume fresh2..xdela muke yang same jek tengok kan...jalan cite ni memang dekat sangat ngan remaja2 macam ar....
ni sinopsisnyer:
“Blogger Boy” follows the ups and downs of Mr. Average Budi, a tuition teacher to a bunch of energetic and mischievous fifth formers, he has a secret identity on the Internet by way of his confessional comics blog.
Budi’s life starts spiralling into chaos by a double whammy the sudden loss of his girlfriend Zehan to another man, and the reappearance of unresolved teenhood crush Nina. Things are further complicated by his flatmate / bestfriend Kid, who gives Budi manly advice while at the same time putting the moves on the beautiful Nina.
With each bewildering twist and turn of fate, Budi finds that his only truly reliable friend is his blog… and his readers. As he continues chronicling his adventures, he finds that his comics have become very popular and he finds it harder and harder to preserve his anonymity and the secrets in his heart…
Budi is a talented artist, heavily influenced by Japanese and Korean comics (manga/manhwa) that he has been reading since his teenage years. Hence his style is androgynous-looking characters; there is very little to distinguish his pretty boys from his equally pretty girls. Concerned only with preserving his anonymity, and oblivious to how his characters may be perceived, Budi gives them ambiguous monikers –merely the initials of B, K and N to represent him and his closest friends.
Unintentionally, his comics become a hot topic on the web as his readers argue passionately about the gender of the protagonists!
overall aku kasi 4bintang dari 5 bintang ok...its a very good job for the director...rafidah the host of 3R...she is talented ok =)....btw,,,i most love nas-t but as my sis said,,nas a bit sexy in that movie cz he always wearing boxer and singlet...but he is quite HOT though he is NAS,,i like all guys name NAS??..haha..
a bit bout nas:
nast sebagai kid
Nas-T sebagai KidAge : 25
Starsign : LibraState
(origin) : Kuala Lumpur
(facebook) /
Occupation : DJ/Actor
Pets?(name & species) : a wild cat named Enzo
Fav. TV series : Entourage,nip/tuck
Fav. Local actor / actress : P.Ramlee,Salleh Yaacob,Jamal Abdillah
Fav. Music genre : Rock, Electro, House, Hip-hopFav. Singer / musician /band : Jamal Abdillah,Incubus,Bloc Party
Fav. Quote : Never say no before u even try it
Fav. / most frequented Website : Facebook, Myspace,, MSN,Google, E-bay ,Youtube
Previous acting gigs (TV / Movie) :Films : Kami the movie,Goodbye Boys,Pisau CukurDramas : Kami the series, Juanna, Sari Maya, Rempit vs impak maksima, Katrina KameliaShort Films : O.D,My Indie Rock Darling,StuckTvc: KFC, HOTLINK, CELCOM, Malaysia CergasAwards : 2006 –Aim Best New Local English Artiste (Dragon Red)2007 – First Runner Up Title Pioneer CDJ battleComic
superhero/character you would like to be : Spiderman ,Wolverine, Prof. Xavier
Which celebrity producer would you like to be ? KidTell us something extraordinary about yourself : More than meets the eye ;)