another boring story!
sorry double posting just eager to share some boring stuff ; begin with my dearest lappy...oredi using this about one from mama+ayah(who else?!) on my seventeen birthday! but still i got earlier from my REAL birth date. its also not that expensive than YOUR'S lappy...but still i love it damn mucHO sebab its PINK and small which usually just muat muat inside my handbag ;)...tapi jarang sekali bawak ke mana mana...
and then continue with two of my diaries...i love bought new diaries every year but yet still dont use it...maybe sebab my handwriting buruk so memang benci dengan tulisan sendiri ;((

and this is my purse...its hello kitty purse...but im not really using this because im currently using blue B.U.M purse gift from akak MAFE tersayang ;)))...and depan tu ialah hello kitty contact lens box...bought at living cabin,giant ;)..only rm7.50..see,my stuff murah murah kan ;D
and here are all my pinko's stuff...ada tabung which actually 'her' n 'him'...tapi 'him' bagi kat akim ;)...and as you can see...two of my book also in pink...that because kritiria(how to spell?) for buying new book is the cover....and the ilustration ;))...
and above is my latest stuff and how i love it so muchO...Its a shawls hanger...bought from edast about rm25...because of this 'robok'(ahaks...johorean!) becomes so neat!...yeaahhh

and then continue with two of my diaries...i love bought new diaries every year but yet still dont use it...maybe sebab my handwriting buruk so memang benci dengan tulisan sendiri ;((

and this is my purse...its hello kitty purse...but im not really using this because im currently using blue B.U.M purse gift from akak MAFE tersayang ;)))...and depan tu ialah hello kitty contact lens box...bought at living cabin,giant ;)..only rm7.50..see,my stuff murah murah kan ;D

other stuff in picture:
>salvatore ferragamo perfume(gift from acik last year)
>blusher from stilla(ihsan acik ;>)
>pink puncher
>jvc handy cam
>some cheap watches ;p
and above is my latest stuff and how i love it so muchO...Its a shawls hanger...bought from edast about rm25...because of this 'robok'(ahaks...johorean!) becomes so neat!...yeaahhh