happy birthday acik!!

rm8.OO ye dikk...
plak ayam tuh ye ;p
my dad cannot wait to eat...yum yum
me ondaway home =)

weeheee....its is a big day for acik =)...its her 23td birthday...i as your lovely younger sis wish you to have a great year ever and hope you happy with your husband and get pregnant soon ;p haha...i cant wait to see our new nephew...hope its a girl ya...lol...
today,,,as my father had a meeting at wangsamaju,,,so my mom and i was get ready early in da mownin to follow my father before he dropped us at petronas which i cant remember where????..but as i know,,,the petronas got mcD heh...haha..so my father left us there and we had breakfast before my sis and her husband took us to their small home(haha..kiddin meh) at puchong...
then,,we were waitin for my father finished his meeting before we had our lunch at al rawsha restaurant....it is our third time i guess we were eat here...it is an arabian restaurant which served a very good meals..we were ordered a big bowl of rice and chicken.lamb,salad and so on...hhaha..its pretty exciting because while you sit at your place and eat you can see many arab man and women were there...yahh..their voices is very loud which it sound like they was fighting i thought..haha...
then,,,,they are a good eater also...guess wat?....if our family order 2chickens and 1lamb(it comes in a big one!) and shared with 5persons...but the arab's family can finished double of our menu just for 2person...haaahaa.no wonder arab's is all big and tall ya??...
yes....it also a great place to cuci mata for gurls like me meh..haha...the man was so tall,white,handsome and have a great manners...but there's one thing that i cannot stand to sit besides them...most of them are SMELLY....i know it a bit harsh for me to say that...but its true....you can ask others and see what they say...its a fact...i think they are smelly becz they eat too much onion,garlic and tomato in their daily food...huuu...i cant blame them...but they are handsome!!!!!!!!!!!..gosh,,,saved them for me the best arab man but with a good smells...haha
god!!,,,i forgot to write about my sister la...ok... ok...then i was frust because my sis were not goin together with us to seremban bcz she got class tomorrow...oh man,,,i just thought to gave her present at home...so we just gave her present in the car....my mom was bought her a new b.u.m handbag,,,while i was gave her a shawls from edast =)....heeeeeehee...
oh...i forgot again...ondaway to seremban....we saw a lots of car accident...maybe bcz its was a heavy rain before...i guess about 30 car are involved...gosh,,,lucky me not one of them....
p/s: i fall in love with blogger boy???
lol!!cant even remember my exact age arr?
but i cant blame u though, coz i look young all da time..hahaha
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