losing friends

is it true what the quotes said??..it is yes if now you are so happy surrounded by your bestie ang your dearie frens. but one day,sooner or later you will losing your friends to. its hard to maintan a relation when everyone is on their different path they took. its a reality after you finished your schools and go to University or even working. on that time,you will hard to hang out with them like you usually done when schools. if not busy,you will feel lazy to goin out with them since you'll think they just gossipin and all they do is boast about their newie bewie life with a handsomost bf and etc. but is it ok life without frends?

however,i also had some dilemma now. i haven't call my another bestie for a few month..maybe i ca give reason as im busy or wat so ever..but i was not!!..i just dont know why i was very lazy to dial up and call them...i just,,,er,,,dont know..haha..but,i also quite sad and upset tp them..just because im not call them..why they r not calling me back...just to say hi or wat...haish..im sad ok!. here those JAY's??joy as yesterday?...gosh,,,i'll threw that words if you guys forgettin me.but, i wish you guys gud luck in spm...hope thing goin ok after spm ok...i'll forgive u because i know im not perfect and great to all of u as a frends..but i do really miss our past memories but i also happy with my new life. i do hope you guys will be same too,and may god bless us =)
- i would never have a bf before i finished my spm.
- i would never go for movies before spm
- i would never buy a comics before spm
- i will study hard
- i dont want to futher my study abroad(i believe in malaysia edu.)
- i will keep my family first jo matter wat
- i only got i god that is Allah Almighty
- i will get a good grades to fulfill my parents dreams
- i will have a good soulmate which is older than me someday ;p
- i will take care of my parents
- i will take care of my nephew =)
- i will keep my dignity high.
- and lastly,i promise to stop write any promisses..haha..ok pullstop.
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