OMG!!!!!...im shaking like a old lady on our daily assembly..giler laa! puan azizah merangkap pakar motivasi yang bukan kaunselor was asked all the students who fail in addmaths to go inside the dewan kuliah. bapak lah malu weyy..everybody was look at us as they watch a marching band kot..gile! yes yes yes...im not alone! there was 104 student who fail +maths..opss sory teachers..i should never wrote it here coz our schools kan is the CLUSTER schools..but hey, were just a human. make mistake. first, daddy wong make his speech and speak very soft about how we hurt his feelin while his marking our paper. gosh,,hope he wont cry anymore..haha. then, the mic jadi milik principal plak..and like usual,,,his speech will never end lah...but i was like,"talk to my hand" coz his speech was not inspired me but make me felt down.

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla....nak tak nak my ears still listen la to his speech..yes, certain of his speech is good to be apply pon..but panjaaang sangat lah ucapan die...dah macam pertandingan pidato sudeyy...so lastly,,muke aku pon dah macam baby kat ats tu..haha..gile!,kelas addmath dah start ni..hadoila...

alhamdulillah...sesi ceramah dari hati ke lutut(since aku xberapa nak hayati) berakhir. semua orang pon pelok-pelokan..aku pon pegi jugak la...yes,,pelok2..haha...suddenly i noticed,,eh,,why everyone crying neh...ouh...that speech touched them....uuhh,,so the girls was crying..me?...hell no lah...aku dah puas menangis lah wey..tanya la budak2 kelas aku....dah naik muak kot tengok aku nanges...kang aku nangis kang macam orang mati hasben tau...agagaga...

so derang pon nanges2 laa kan...pastu tetibe ter NOTICED cikgu zabed was there...waktu tu xde orang salam ngan die,,,so aku pegi ar kat die....kunun2 nak salam ar...pastu lak tetibe ade 2 orang minah ni,,,merah mata cam singa tepi aku..hoho...nanges la tu,,so aku kasik laluan pada mereka dulu la...wahh...pelok2 ngan zabed ye..eh salah...puan zabidah..ahahaha..then,,bile sampai waktu aku lak,,,aku terus salam die,,,

dah aku muke takde perasaan takkan tetibe nak peluk..macam janggal lah kan...so aku juz salam sambil aku show some fake smile...heeeeeeee....bukan ape,,,,aku bukan nye keras hati ok....aku cume dah habis meluahkan kesedihan aku tentang kegagalan aku dalam +math ni sejak result die kuar kan...dah lama...so dah xde ape nak disedihkan..skang aku akan study lebih banyak for this trial...hurmm...sama samalah kita berusaha!!!!
p/s: oh man,,,susahnye addmath tajuk probability...heh(T_T)
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