weeeeeee....ayahku menggile...xkasi can nak amek gamba alone..mesty nyempit nak masuk gak..hehee...ini di underwaterworld...second time pegi pon maseh xbape nak best..haha

this is our homestay...all hotels n rsort are fully booked...this is only choice we have..it was so terpencil n was look lil spooky at night which i has closed my eyes tightly when we were arrived home after had a loong day...

this is our rented car..toyota innova...it was fully loaded with 7 of us not included with 1lil baby and 2kids..pheww...luckily hakem is skinny..haha...this cost us 450 for 2day...before,angah n abg wan was eager to rent alphard...but it cost too much...650 a day...again A DAY...haha...look,,,our car is full with that blue bag..its mama n kak mafe stuff...idaman suri is the best place for u if u interested with all pinggan mangkuk stuff...lol...i think like #$%^% when it too crowded with makcik-makcik yang excited to buy everything...

this turtle was crying for help...haha..poor him...im sorry cuz cannot help it...huhuuu

acik slept in the car till keluar airliur basi...haha

akem n aziq was freezingggggggggggg

ayah kata ini jellyfish sedang mengawan...idk why...haha

we love each other even we fought a lot!!!

me n father!!!!!! luv him so much..

baju acik itu sama ngan baju aku....kami beli same2
we were not sharing ok..diff size...she was xs..me was ...haha
below is my cloth...we wear on diff day

akem says..."busu saya gedik"
busu says..."hakem ada gefren"
we were fighting after that.
hakem was...pushing busu's nose
busu was...tarek tinge hakem
haziq was...sedih tak dpt join
busu was...hate hakem
hakem was...hate busu
haqziq was...saje menyemak
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